Previous research in Slovenia

Between 1994 and 1998, 22 countries including Slovenia participated in the IALS - International Adult Literacy Survey. In Slovenia, the Survey was implemented by the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education in the scope of the national Adult Literacy and Participation in Education Survey. The findings for Slovenia were presented in the international OECD report Literacy in the Information Age and in national reports.

IALS 1994-1998*

ALL 2002-2006*

PIAAC 2011*

Prose literacy

Prose literacy


 Document literacy

 Document literacy

Reading components

 Computer literacy ­­- - -




Problem solving - - -

Problem solving in
technology-rich environments

Source: The OECD PIAAC, 2010

Similar criteria with the same items
Faintly connected criteria, based on a different concept  - - -
* IALS - International Adult Literacy Survey, ALL - Adult Literacy and Life Skills, PIAAC ­­- Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competences

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